Session – Deep Dive: Building an Optimized, Graphics-Intensive Application in Microsoft Silverlight

PDC 2008, Day #2, Session #4, 1 hr 15 mins

Seema Ramchandani

The final session of the day was all about optimizing graphics-based Silverlight applications.  The talk was a little bit different from what I expected.  I was imagining it being about how to do custom 2D graphics.  Instead, it was more geared at understanding the underlying rendering loop and optimizing basic animations.

Seema is a Program Manager in the Silverlight group and described her job as being focused on performance.  She is the person, she explained, that people call when they can’t figure out why their Silverlight application is running so slowly.

The Dancing Peacock

Seema’s first real-world story gives us a new term that we can use in assessing application performance:

The Dancing Peacock = the portions of your application that are consuming resources, but not contributing to the user experience in any meaningful way.

The story goes something like this.  Someone called up Seema and said that they had a very poorly performing Silverlight application and they could not figure out why it was so slow.  Seema took a look at it and started removing elements to understand which element was contributing to the performance degradation.

What she found, under all of the visible controls, was a giant full-screen animated dancing peacock.  It was being rendered, because it was behind all of the other windows, but the designer had left it in the XAML code, figuring that it wasn’t doing any harm.  But as it turns out, code to calculate all of the peacock’s dance steps was still running in the background—and dragging the entire application down.

So Seema’s basic message throughout the talk was—look for the dancing peacocks in your application and remove them.

The Graphics Pipeline

Seema argued that it was important to fully understand how the graphics pipeline in Silverlight works.  If you understand the full sequence of what happens to render graphics to the screen, it can greatly help you in debugging the source of any performance problems.

She showed a fairly detailed diagram of the rendering loop and walked through all of the steps, explaining what happens at each point.

Tips / Tricks

Seema also presented miscellaneous tips and tricks for improving performance.  Without going into details, some of the basic ideas were:

  • Blend in as small a region as possible
  • Mitigate blurry text with UsesLayoutRounding
  • Avoid large-scale animations  (costly)
  • Don’t plug up your UI thread with costly operations
  • Avoid video resizing by encoding at the desired resolution
  • Simplify XAML – avoid bloat


Seema also demonstrated a very useful tool that you can use for profiling Silverlight applications.  She described using a tool called XPerf, which using Event Tracing for Windows to exactly measure the amount of time spent in each module of the underlying native code.

XPerf can be used for debugging, but is most powerful as a way of comparing alternative designs, to see how they impact performance.

Raindrop Animation in WPF

I’ve expanded a bit on my earlier example of simulating ripples on water in WPF.  Last time, I started a ripple by inducing a single peak value into a grid of points and then watching the ripples propagate.

Full source code available at:

This time, we go much further, inducing peaks at random intervals to simulate raindrops falling on a liquid surface.  The underlying algorithm for propagating the ripples is identical to last time—calculating new height values for every point in a 2D mesh, using a basic filtering/smoothing algorithm.

To see the final result right away, you can download/run the WPF application from here.  As before, you can use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out, while the simulation is running.

I’ve updated the GUI to include a few knobs that you can play with.  The three sliders that control the raindrops are:

  • Num Drops – Controls how fast the drops are falling.  For starters, the average time between raindrops is 35ms.  The slider allows changing the frequency, such that the time between drops ranges from 1ms to 1000ms.  (On average)
  • Drop Strength – Controls how deep the drop falls, which impacts the amplitude of the resulting ripples.  Defaults to creating a drop that goes 3.0 units deep, with a range of [0,15].  (Grid is 250×250 units).
  • Drop Size – The diameter of the drop that comes down.  (Actually, drops are square, so this value is the length of one side of the square).  Defaults to 1, range is [1,6].

To start the animation, with the default values, click on the Start Rain button.  You’ll get a nice/natural animated scene, with raindrops falling on the water.  (On my graphics card, at least, this results in an animation that feels close to real-time—this may not be true on slower/faster cards).

The next thing to try playing with is the Num Drops setting, leaving everything else the same.  The raindrop frequency will increase as you move the slider, and you’ll a much more agitated surface, since the ripples don’t have enough time to damp.

Now try turning the Num Drops setting back down low and turn up the Drop Size setting.  Now you’ll get nice fat drops that create pretty good-size ripples.

Finally, set Drop Size back down again and try playing with the Drop Strength setting.  You’ll simulate stronger drops, as we create much deeper craters for each drop initially.  Also notice the little tower of water the jumps up as the first visual indication of a drop.

You can obviously play with all three of the settings at the same time.  Doing so, you can easily get a pretty crazy bathtub effect, as the waves just get larger and larger.

Use of the Wave button is left as an exercise to the reader.  It basically introduces a deep channel across the entire wave mesh, which results in a fairly large wave that propagates out in both directions.

One interesting thing to note about the wave is that you’ll see the existing ripples bend around the wave and continue propagating outward.  Also note that, because we add all amplitudes to existing point heights, new drops that fall on the wave will be at the proper height, relative to the current wave height.

Ok, I can’t resist.  Here’s a screencap of the Wave in action.

Below is the WPF code that I used for the simulation.  As before, the three parts are: a) the static XAML that sets up the window; b) the code-behind for Window1, which runs the Rendering loop and c) the WaveGrid class, which does the actual simulation and contains the two point buffers.

Here is the XAML code for the main window, nothing too spectacular:

<Window x:Class="WaveSim.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="679.023" Width="812.646"
    <Grid Name="grid1" Height="618.12" Width="759.015">
            <RowDefinition Height="76*" />
            <RowDefinition Height="542.12*" />
        <Button HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="0,11.778,115,0" Name="btnStart" Width="75" Click="btnStart_Click" Height="22.649" VerticalAlignment="Top">Start Rain</Button>
        <Viewport3D Name="viewport3D1" Grid.Row="1">
                <PerspectiveCamera x:Name="camMain" Position="255 38.5 255" LookDirection="-130 -40 -130" FarPlaneDistance="450" UpDirection="0,1,0" NearPlaneDistance="1" FieldOfView="70">

            <ModelVisual3D x:Name="vis3DLighting">
                    <DirectionalLight x:Name="dirLightMain" Direction="2, -2, 0"/>
                    <DirectionalLight Direction="0, -2, 2"/>
                    <GeometryModel3D x:Name="gmodMain">
                            <MeshGeometry3D x:Name="meshMain" >
                                <DiffuseMaterial x:Name="matDiffuseMain">
                                        <SolidColorBrush Color="DarkBlue"/>
                                <SpecularMaterial SpecularPower="24">
                                        <SolidColorBrush Color="LightBlue"/>
        <Slider Margin="0,13.596,198,0" Name="slidPeakHeight" ValueChanged="slidPeakHeight_ValueChanged" Minimum="0" Maximum="15" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Width="167.256" Height="20.831" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
        <Label Margin="286,11.964,0,36.083" Name="lblDropDepth" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="89.015">Drop Strength</Label>
        <Slider Name="slidNumDrops" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="111,15.452,0,0" Maximum="1000" Minimum="1" Width="167.256" ValueChanged="slidNumDrops_ValueChanged" Height="20.831" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
        <Label HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,13.596,0,34.451" Name="label1" Width="89">Num Drops</Label>
        <Button HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="0,11.963,19,0" Name="btnWave" Width="75" Click="btnWave_Click" Height="22.649" VerticalAlignment="Top">Wave !</Button>
        <Slider Height="20.831" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="111,0,0,5.266" Maximum="6" Minimum="1" Name="slidDropSize" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Width="167.256" ValueChanged="slidDropSize_ValueChanged"/>
        <Label Height="27.953" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,0,0,0" Name="label2" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Width="89">Drop Size</Label>

Here is the Window1.xaml.cs code.  Some things to take note of:

  • We’re no longer setting peaks in the center of the grid, but calling SetRandomPeak to induce each raindrop
  • As before, we’re using the CompositionTarget_Rendering event handler as our main rendering loop.  During the loop, we induce new raindrops, tell the grid to process the point mesh (propagating waves) and we then reattach the new point grid to our MeshGeometry3D
  • Note that we calculate the number of drops to induce by first calculating how many drops we should drop each time we visit this loop (should be moved outside the loop).  We induce points for the integer portion of this number and then use the fractional part as a % chance of dropping one more point.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Threading;

namespace WaveSim
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        private Vector3D zoomDelta;

        private WaveGrid _grid;
        private bool _rendering;
        private double _lastTimeRendered;
        private Random _rnd = new Random(1234);

        // Raindrop parameters.  Negative amplitude causes little tower of
        // water to jump up vertically in the instant after the drop hits.
        private double _splashAmplitude; // Average height (depth, since negative) of raindrop splashes.
        private double _splashDelta = 1.0;      // Actual splash height is Ampl +/- Delta (random)
        private double _raindropPeriodInMS;
        private double _waveHeight = 15.0;
        private int _dropSize;

        // Values to try:
        //   GridSize=20, RenderPeriod=125
        //   GridSize=50, RenderPeriod=50
        private const int GridSize = 250; //50;
        private const double RenderPeriodInMS = 60; //50;    

        public Window1()

            _splashAmplitude = -3.0;
            slidPeakHeight.Value = -1.0 * _splashAmplitude;

            _raindropPeriodInMS = 35.0;
            slidNumDrops.Value = 1.0 / (_raindropPeriodInMS / 1000.0);

            _dropSize = 1;
            slidDropSize.Value = _dropSize;

            // Set up the grid
            _grid = new WaveGrid(GridSize);
            meshMain.Positions = _grid.Points;
            meshMain.TriangleIndices = _grid.TriangleIndices;

            // On each WheelMouse change, we zoom in/out a particular % of the original distance
            const double ZoomPctEachWheelChange = 0.02;
            zoomDelta = Vector3D.Multiply(ZoomPctEachWheelChange, camMain.LookDirection);

        private void Window_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
            if (e.Delta > 0)
                // Zoom in
                camMain.Position = Point3D.Add(camMain.Position, zoomDelta);
                // Zoom out
                camMain.Position = Point3D.Subtract(camMain.Position, zoomDelta);

        // Start/stop animation
        private void btnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!_rendering)
                //_grid = new WaveGrid(GridSize);        // New grid allows buffer reset
                meshMain.Positions = _grid.Points;

                _lastTimeRendered = 0.0;
                CompositionTarget.Rendering += new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);
                btnStart.Content = "Stop";
                _rendering = true;
                CompositionTarget.Rendering -= new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);
                btnStart.Content = "Start";
                _rendering = false;

        void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RenderingEventArgs rargs = (RenderingEventArgs)e;
            if ((rargs.RenderingTime.TotalMilliseconds - _lastTimeRendered) > RenderPeriodInMS)
                // Unhook Positions collection from our mesh, for performance
                // (see
                meshMain.Positions = null;

                // Do the next iteration on the water grid, propagating waves
                double NumDropsThisTime = RenderPeriodInMS / _raindropPeriodInMS;

                // Result at this point for number of drops is something like
                // 2.25.  We'll induce integer portion (e.g. 2 drops), then
                // 25% chance for 3rd drop.
                int NumDrops = (int)NumDropsThisTime;   // trunc
                for (int i = 0; i < NumDrops; i++)
                    _grid.SetRandomPeak(_splashAmplitude, _splashDelta, _dropSize);

                if ((NumDropsThisTime - NumDrops) > 0)
                    double DropChance = NumDropsThisTime - NumDrops;
                    if (_rnd.NextDouble() <= DropChance)
                        _grid.SetRandomPeak(_splashAmplitude, _splashDelta, _dropSize);


                // Then update our mesh to use new Z values
                meshMain.Positions = _grid.Points;

                _lastTimeRendered = rargs.RenderingTime.TotalMilliseconds;

        private void slidPeakHeight_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
            // Slider runs [0,30], so our amplitude runs [-30,0].
            // Negative amplitude is desirable because we see little towers of
            // water as each drop bloops in.
            _splashAmplitude = -1.0 * slidPeakHeight.Value;

        private void slidNumDrops_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
            // Slider runs from [1,1000], with 1000 representing more drops (1 every ms) and
            // 1 representing fewer (1 ever 1000 ms).  This is to make slider seem natural
            // to user.  But we need to invert it, to get actual period (ms)
            _raindropPeriodInMS = (1.0 / slidNumDrops.Value) * 1000.0;

        private void btnWave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

        private void slidDropSize_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
            _dropSize = (int)slidDropSize.Value;

Finally, here is the updated code for the WaveGrid class.  Things to note:

  • We’ve replaced SetCenterPeak with SetRandomPeak, which does the “dropping”
  • The crazy wave is induced in InduceWave
  • I’ve added a FlattenGrid function, to calm things down

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;

namespace WaveSim
class WaveGrid
// Constants
const int MinDimension = 5;
const double Damping = 0.96; // SAVE: 0.96
const double SmoothingFactor = 2.0; // Gives more weight to smoothing than to velocity

// Private member data
private Point3DCollection _ptBuffer1;
private Point3DCollection _ptBuffer2;
private Int32Collection _triangleIndices;
private Random _rnd = new Random(48339);

private int _dimension;

// Pointers to which buffers contain:
// – Current: Most recent data
// – Old: Earlier data
// These two pointers will swap, pointing to ptBuffer1/ptBuffer2 as we cycle the buffers
private Point3DCollection _currBuffer;
private Point3DCollection _oldBuffer;


/// Construct new grid of a given dimension

/// public WaveGrid(int Dimension)
if (Dimension < MinDimension) throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Dimension must be at least {0}", MinDimension.ToString())); _ptBuffer1 = new Point3DCollection(Dimension * Dimension); _ptBuffer2 = new Point3DCollection(Dimension * Dimension); _triangleIndices = new Int32Collection((Dimension - 1) * (Dimension - 1) * 2); _dimension = Dimension; InitializePointsAndTriangles(); _currBuffer = _ptBuffer2; _oldBuffer = _ptBuffer1; } ///

/// Access to underlying grid data

public Point3DCollection Points
get { return _currBuffer; }


/// Access to underlying triangle index collection

public Int32Collection TriangleIndices
get { return _triangleIndices; }


/// Dimension of grid–same dimension for both X & Y

public int Dimension
get { return _dimension; }


/// Induce new disturbance in grid at random location. Height is
/// PeakValue +/- Delta. (Random value in this range)

/// Base height of new peak in grid /// Max amount to add/sub from BasePeakValue to get actual value /// # pixels wide, [1,4] public void SetRandomPeak(double BasePeakValue, double Delta, int PeakWidth)
if ((PeakWidth < 1) || (PeakWidth > (_dimension / 2)))
throw new ApplicationException(“WaveGrid.SetRandomPeak: PeakWidth param must be <= half the dimension"); int row = (int)(_rnd.NextDouble() * ((double)_dimension - 1.0)); int col = (int)(_rnd.NextDouble() * ((double)_dimension - 1.0)); // When caller specifies 0.0 peak, we assume always 0.0, so don't add delta if (BasePeakValue == 0.0) Delta = 0.0; double PeakValue = BasePeakValue + (_rnd.NextDouble() * 2 * Delta) - Delta; // row/col will be used for top-left corner. But adjust, if that // puts us out of the grid. if ((row + (PeakWidth - 1)) > (_dimension – 1))
row = _dimension – PeakWidth;
if ((col + (PeakWidth – 1)) > (_dimension – 1))
col = _dimension – PeakWidth;

// Change data
for (int ir = row; ir < (row + PeakWidth); ir++) for (int ic = col; ic < (col + PeakWidth); ic++) { Point3D pt = _oldBuffer[(ir * _dimension) + ic]; pt.Y = pt.Y + (int)PeakValue; _oldBuffer[(ir * _dimension) + ic] = pt; } } ///

/// Induce wave along back edge of grid by creating large
/// wall.

/// public void InduceWave(double WaveHeight)
if (_dimension >= 15)
// Just set height of a few rows of points (in middle of grid)
int NumRows = 20;
//double[] SineCoeffs = new double[10] { 0.156, 0.309, 0.454, 0.588, 0.707, 0.809, 0.891, 0.951, 0.988, 1.0 };

Point3D pt;
int StartRow = _dimension / 2;
for (int i = (StartRow – 1) * _dimension; i < (_dimension * (StartRow + NumRows)); i++) { int RowNum = (i / _dimension) + StartRow; pt = _oldBuffer[i]; //pt.Y = pt.Y + (WaveHeight * SineCoeffs[RowNum]); pt.Y = pt.Y + WaveHeight ; _oldBuffer[i] = pt; } } } ///

/// Leave buffers in place, but change notation of which one is most recent

private void SwapBuffers()
Point3DCollection temp = _currBuffer;
_currBuffer = _oldBuffer;
_oldBuffer = temp;


/// Clear out points/triangles and regenerates

/// private void InitializePointsAndTriangles()

int nCurrIndex = 0; // March through 1-D arrays

for (int row = 0; row < _dimension; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < _dimension; col++) { // In grid, X/Y values are just row/col numbers _ptBuffer1.Add(new Point3D(col, 0.0, row)); // Completing new square, add 2 triangles if ((row > 0) && (col > 0))
// Triangle 1
_triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex – _dimension – 1);
_triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex – _dimension);

// Triangle 2
_triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex – _dimension – 1);
_triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex – 1);


// 2nd buffer exists only to have 2nd set of Z values
_ptBuffer2 = _ptBuffer1.Clone();


/// Set height of all points in mesh to 0.0. Also resets buffers to
/// original state.

public void FlattenGrid()
Point3D pt;

for (int i = 0; i < (_dimension * _dimension); i++) { pt = _ptBuffer1[i]; pt.Y = 0.0; _ptBuffer1[i] = pt; } _ptBuffer2 = _ptBuffer1.Clone(); _currBuffer = _ptBuffer2; _oldBuffer = _ptBuffer1; } ///

/// Determine next state of entire grid, based on previous two states.
/// This will have the effect of propagating ripples outward.

public void ProcessWater()
// Note that we write into old buffer, which will then become our
// “current” buffer, and current will become old.
// I.e. What starts out in _currBuffer shifts into _oldBuffer and we
// write new data into _currBuffer. But because we just swap pointers,
// we don’t have to actually move data around.

// When calculating data, we don’t generate data for the cells around
// the edge of the grid, because data smoothing looks at all adjacent
// cells. So instead of running [0,n-1], we run [1,n-2].

double velocity; // Rate of change from old to current
double smoothed; // Smoothed by adjacent cells
double newHeight;
int neighbors;

int nPtIndex = 0; // Index that marches through 1-D point array

// Remember that Y value is the height (the value that we’re animating)
for (int row = 0; row < _dimension; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < _dimension; col++) { velocity = -1.0 * _oldBuffer[nPtIndex].Y; // row, col smoothed = 0.0; neighbors = 0; if (row > 0) // row-1, col
smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex – _dimension].Y;

if (row < (_dimension - 1)) // row+1, col { smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex + _dimension].Y; neighbors++; } if (col > 0) // row, col-1
smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex – 1].Y;

if (col < (_dimension - 1)) // row, col+1 { smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex + 1].Y; neighbors++; } // Will always have at least 2 neighbors smoothed /= (double)neighbors; // New height is combination of smoothing and velocity newHeight = smoothed * SmoothingFactor + velocity; // Damping newHeight = newHeight * Damping; // We write new data to old buffer Point3D pt = _oldBuffer[nPtIndex]; pt.Y = newHeight; // row, col _oldBuffer[nPtIndex] = pt; nPtIndex++; } } SwapBuffers(); } } } [/sourcecode] That’s basically it.  If anyone is interested in getting the source code, leave a comment and I’ll take the trouble to post it somewhere.

Simple Water Animation in WPF

Many years ago (mid-80s), I was working at a company that had a Silicon Graphics workstation.  Among a handful of demos designed to show off the SGI machine’s high-end graphics was a simulation of wave propagation in a little wireframe mesh.  It was great fun to play with by changing the height of points in the mesh and then letting the simulation run.  And the SGI machine was fast enough that the resulting animation was just mesmerizing.

Recreating this water simulation in WPF seemed like a nice way to learn a little more about 3D graphics in WPF.  (The end result is here).

The first step was to find an algorithm that simulates wave propagation through water.  It turns out that there is a very simple algorithm that achieves the desired effect simply by taking the average height of neighboring points.  The basic algorithm is described in detail in this article on 2D Water.  The same algorithm is also described in The Water Effect Explained.

The next step is to set up the 3D viewport and its constituent elements.  I used two different directional lights, to create more contrast on the surface of the water, as well as defining both diffuse and specular material properties for the surface of the water.

Here is the relevant XAML.  Note that meshMain is the mesh that will contain the surface of the water.

        <Viewport3D Name="viewport3D1" Margin="0,8.181,0,0" Grid.Row="1">
                <PerspectiveCamera x:Name="camMain" Position="48 7.8 41" LookDirection="-48 -7.8 -41" FarPlaneDistance="100" UpDirection="0,1,0" NearPlaneDistance="1" FieldOfView="70">

            <ModelVisual3D x:Name="vis3DLighting">
                    <DirectionalLight x:Name="dirLightMain" Direction="2, -2, 0"/>
                    <DirectionalLight Direction="0, -2, 2"/>
                    <GeometryModel3D x:Name="gmodMain">
                            <MeshGeometry3D x:Name="meshMain" >
                                <DiffuseMaterial x:Name="matDiffuseMain">
                                        <SolidColorBrush Color="DarkBlue"/>
                                <SpecularMaterial SpecularPower="24">
                                        <SolidColorBrush Color="LightBlue"/>

Next, we create a WaveGrid class that implements the basic algorithm described above.  The basic idea is that we maintain two separate buffers of mesh data—one representing the current state of the water and one the prior state.  WaveGrid stores this data in two Point3DCollection objects.  As we run the simulation, we alternate which buffer we’re writing into and attach our MeshGeometry3D.Positions property to the most recent buffer.  Note that we’re only changing the vertical height of the points—which is the Y value.

WaveGrid also builds up the triangle indices for the mesh, in an Int32Collection which will also get connected to our MeshGeometry3D.

All of the interesting stuff happens in ProcessWater.  This is where we implement the smoothing algorithm described in the articles.  Since I wanted to fully animate every point in the mesh, I processed not just the internal points that have four neighboring points, but the points along the edge of the mesh, as well.  As we add in height values of neighboring points, we keep track of how many neighbors we found, so that we can do the averaging properly.

The final value for each point is a function of both the smoothing (average height of your neighbors) and the “velocity”, which is basically—how far from equilibrium was the point during the last iteration?  We also then apply a damping factor, since waves will gradually lose their amplitude.

Here’s the complete code for the WaveGrid class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;

namespace WaveSim
    class WaveGrid
        // Constants
        const int MinDimension = 5;    
        const double Damping = 0.96;
        const double SmoothingFactor = 2.0;     // Gives more weight to smoothing than to velocity

        // Private member data
        private Point3DCollection _ptBuffer1;
        private Point3DCollection _ptBuffer2;
        private Int32Collection _triangleIndices;

        private int _dimension;

        // Pointers to which buffers contain:
        //    - Current: Most recent data
        //    - Old: Earlier data
        // These two pointers will swap, pointing to ptBuffer1/ptBuffer2 as we cycle the buffers
        private Point3DCollection _currBuffer;
        private Point3DCollection _oldBuffer;

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct new grid of a given dimension
        /// </summary>
<param name="Dimension"></param>
        public WaveGrid(int Dimension)
            if (Dimension < MinDimension)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Dimension must be at least {0}", MinDimension.ToString()));

            _ptBuffer1 = new Point3DCollection(Dimension * Dimension);
            _ptBuffer2 = new Point3DCollection(Dimension * Dimension);
            _triangleIndices = new Int32Collection((Dimension - 1) * (Dimension - 1) * 2);

            _dimension = Dimension;


            _currBuffer = _ptBuffer2;
            _oldBuffer = _ptBuffer1;

        /// <summary>
        /// Access to underlying grid data
        /// </summary>
        public Point3DCollection Points
            get { return _currBuffer; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Access to underlying triangle index collection
        /// </summary>
        public Int32Collection TriangleIndices
            get { return _triangleIndices; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Dimension of grid--same dimension for both X & Y
        /// </summary>
        public int Dimension
            get { return _dimension; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Set center of grid to some peak value (high point).  Leave
        /// rest of grid alone.  Note: If dimension is even, we're not
        /// exactly at the center of the grid--no biggie.
        /// </summary>
<param name="PeakValue"></param>
        public void SetCenterPeak(double PeakValue)
            int nCenter = (int)_dimension / 2;

            // Change data in oldest buffer, then make newest buffer
            // become oldest by swapping
            Point3D pt = _oldBuffer[(nCenter * _dimension) + nCenter];
            pt.Y = (int)PeakValue;
            _oldBuffer[(nCenter * _dimension) + nCenter] = pt;


        /// <summary>
        /// Leave buffers in place, but change notation of which one is most recent
        /// </summary>
        private void SwapBuffers()
            Point3DCollection temp = _currBuffer;
            _currBuffer = _oldBuffer;
            _oldBuffer = temp;

        /// <summary>
        /// Clear out points/triangles and regenerates
        /// </summary>
<param name="grid"></param>
        private void InitializePointsAndTriangles()

            int nCurrIndex = 0;     // March through 1-D arrays

            for (int row = 0; row < _dimension; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < _dimension; col++)
                    // In grid, X/Y values are just row/col numbers
                    _ptBuffer1.Add(new Point3D(col, 0.0, row));

                    // Completing new square, add 2 triangles
                    if ((row > 0) && (col > 0))
                        // Triangle 1
                        _triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex - _dimension - 1);
                        _triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex - _dimension);

                        // Triangle 2
                        _triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex - _dimension - 1);
                        _triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex - 1);


            // 2nd buffer exists only to have 2nd set of Z values
            _ptBuffer2 = _ptBuffer1.Clone();

        /// <summary>
        /// Determine next state of entire grid, based on previous two states.
        /// This will have the effect of propagating ripples outward.
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessWater()
            // Note that we write into old buffer, which will then become our
            //    "current" buffer, and current will become old. 
            // I.e. What starts out in _currBuffer shifts into _oldBuffer and we
            // write new data into _currBuffer.  But because we just swap pointers,
            // we don't have to actually move data around.

            // When calculating data, we don't generate data for the cells around
            // the edge of the grid, because data smoothing looks at all adjacent
            // cells.  So instead of running [0,n-1], we run [1,n-2].

            double velocity;    // Rate of change from old to current
            double smoothed;    // Smoothed by adjacent cells
            double newHeight;
            int neighbors;

            int nPtIndex = 0;   // Index that marches through 1-D point array

            // Remember that Y value is the height (the value that we're animating)
            for (int row = 0; row < _dimension ; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < _dimension; col++)
                    velocity = -1.0 * _oldBuffer&#91;nPtIndex&#93;.Y;     // row, col
                    smoothed = 0.0;

                    neighbors = 0;
                    if (row > 0)    // row-1, col
                        smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex - _dimension].Y;

                    if (row < (_dimension - 1))   // row+1, col
                        smoothed += _currBuffer&#91;nPtIndex + _dimension&#93;.Y;

                    if (col > 0)          // row, col-1
                        smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex - 1].Y;

                    if (col < (_dimension - 1))   // row, col+1
                        smoothed += _currBuffer&#91;nPtIndex + 1&#93;.Y;

                    // Will always have at least 2 neighbors
                    smoothed /= (double)neighbors;

                    // New height is combination of smoothing and velocity
                    newHeight = smoothed * SmoothingFactor + velocity;

                    // Damping
                    newHeight = newHeight * Damping;

                    // We write new data to old buffer
                    Point3D pt = _oldBuffer&#91;nPtIndex&#93;;
                    pt.Y = newHeight;   // row, col
                    _oldBuffer&#91;nPtIndex&#93; = pt;



Finally, we need to hook everything up.  When our main window fires up, we create an instance of <strong>WaveGrid </strong>and set the center point in the grid to some peak value.  When we start the animation, this higher point will fall and trigger the waves.

We do all of the animation in the <strong>CompositionTarget.Rendering </strong>event handler.  This is the recommended spot to do custom animations in WPF, as opposed to doing the animation in some timer Tick event.  (<em>Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed</em>, Nathan, pg 470).

When you attach a handler to the <strong>Rendering </strong>event, WPF just continues rendering frames indefinitely.  One problem is that the handler will get called for every frame rendered, which turns out to be too fast for our water animation.  To get the water to look right, we keep track of the time that we last rendered a frame and then wait a specified number of milliseconds before rendering another.

Here is the full source code for Window1.xaml.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Threading;

namespace WaveSim
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        private Vector3D zoomDelta;

        private WaveGrid _grid;
        private bool _rendering;
        private double _lastTimeRendered;
        private double _firstPeak = 6.5;

        // Values to try:
        //   GridSize=20, RenderPeriod=125
        //   GridSize=50, RenderPeriod=50
        private const int GridSize = 50;   
        private const double RenderPeriodInMS = 50;    

        public Window1()

            _grid = new WaveGrid(GridSize);        // 10x10 grid
            slidPeakHeight.Value = _firstPeak;
            meshMain.Positions = _grid.Points;
            meshMain.TriangleIndices = _grid.TriangleIndices;

            // On each WheelMouse change, we zoom in/out a particular % of the original distance
            const double ZoomPctEachWheelChange = 0.02;
            zoomDelta = Vector3D.Multiply(ZoomPctEachWheelChange, camMain.LookDirection);

        private void Window_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
            if (e.Delta > 0)
                // Zoom in
                camMain.Position = Point3D.Add(camMain.Position, zoomDelta);
                // Zoom out
                camMain.Position = Point3D.Subtract(camMain.Position, zoomDelta);

        // Start/stop animation
        private void btnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!_rendering)
                _grid = new WaveGrid(GridSize);        // 10x10 grid
                meshMain.Positions = _grid.Points;

                _lastTimeRendered = 0.0;
                CompositionTarget.Rendering += new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);
                btnStart.Content = "Stop";
                slidPeakHeight.IsEnabled = false;
                _rendering = true;
                CompositionTarget.Rendering -= new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);
                btnStart.Content = "Start";
                slidPeakHeight.IsEnabled = true;
                _rendering = false;

        void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RenderingEventArgs rargs = (RenderingEventArgs)e;
            if ((rargs.RenderingTime.TotalMilliseconds - _lastTimeRendered) > RenderPeriodInMS)
                // Unhook Positions collection from our mesh, for performance
                // (see
                meshMain.Positions = null;

                // Do the next iteration on the water grid, propagating waves

                // Then update our mesh to use new Z values
                meshMain.Positions = _grid.Points;

                _lastTimeRendered = rargs.RenderingTime.TotalMilliseconds;

        private void slidPeakHeight_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
            _firstPeak = slidPeakHeight.Value;

The end result is pretty satisfying—a nice smooth animation of a series of ripples propagating out from the initial disturbance.  You can install and run the simulation by clicking here.  Note that you can zoom in/out using the mouse wheel.

We could extend this example in several different ways:

  • Render the surface of the water in a more lifelike way—e.g. glassy, with reflections.
  • Add simple controls to change the viewpoint or to rotate the mesh itself
  • Add knobs for playing with things like Damping and SmoothingFactor
  • Add ability to “grab” points in the mesh with the mouse and manually move them up/down
  • Raindrop simulation—just add timer that introduces new random peaks, representing raindrops
  • Antialiasing–also consider diagonally adjacent points as neighbors, but adjust by weighting factor when averaging