WPF Commands – A Pattern that Works

Using commands in WPF can be frustrating. Having so many different ways to do commanding in WPF leads to some confusion. There are multiple ways to wire up commands that are equally correct, though some patterns are cleaner than others.

Below is a pattern that works.

Create static property to expose command

Making the command a property rather than a variable makes the syntax in XAML a bit cleaner.  Using RoutedUICommand allows setting the text for the command. This is useful if you want to use the command in multiple places.

Here’s code for creating the command, e.g. in a MainWindow class:

private static RoutedUICommand _pressMeCommand = new RoutedUICommand("Press Me", "PressMe", typeof(MainWindow));
public static RoutedUICommand PressMeCommand
    get { return _pressMeCommand; }

Add CanExecute and Executed handlers

Add code in code-behind (or ViewModel) for handlers. Below, we have private handlers in MainWindow. In this example, we have a boolean indicating whether the command can be executed. You could also put the logic directly in CanExecute, if it’s not used elsewhere.

private void PressMe_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
    e.CanExecute = CowboyCanTalk;

private void PressMe_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("Howdy howdy I'm a cowboy");

Set up command binding

You can do this from code or XAML.  Doing it in XAML is perhaps a bit cleaner. Below is an example of binding the above command to its handlers from XAML (for MainWindow). Note that we can just use command name instead of {x:Static syntax because we made the command a property.

    <CommandBinding Command="local:MainWindow.PressMeCommand"


Wire up a button

Below, we wire a button up to the command.  You could just set Content to text directly. This would be fine to do and is simpler than what we’re doing below. But putting the text into the RoutedUICommand is helpful if you use the command in more than one place (since you specify text in just one place—in the command). And menu items automatically pick up the command text. (NOTE: If you used this pattern for Content regularly, you could just put it in a style to hide the complexity).

<Button Command="local:MainWindow.PressMeCommand"
        Content="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Command.Text}" />

Wire up a menu item

Below, we wire up a menu item in a context menu to the same command. Note that here we do have to use the x:Static syntax. But also note that we don’t need to specify text for the menu item—it comes from the RoutedUICommand.

        <MenuItem Command="{x:Static local:MainWindow.PressMeCommand}" />

Bottom line

  • We used RoutedUICommand so that we could attach text to the command and avoid specifying text for both button and menu item
  • Binding in XAML is a (tiny) bit less code than doing it in code-behind

Other thoughts

  • You could also use a DelegateCommand pattern, passing in lambdas for both CanExecute and Executed. Use of a DelegateCommand is common in MVVM architectures.



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