.NET Basics – Do Work in Background Thread to Keep GUI Responsive

One of the most important things that differentiates a “quick and dirty” application from one that has been designed well is how the application’s user interface behaves during lengthy operations.  The quick-and-dirty approach is to just do all of your work in a button’s Click event handler and not worry about the user interface.  The problem with this is that the GUI will freeze up while the application does whatever work it needs to do.

A well designed application, on the other hand, is one that is careful to do as much work as possible in background threads, keeping the GUI responsive and making sure that it makes it obvious to the user that work is going on in the background and adjusts the GUI to disallow any user actions that don’t apply until after the work finishes.

Under .NET 2.0, doing work on a background thread has become a lot easier, with the introduction of the BackgroundWorker class.  You no longer have to worry about cross-threading exceptions and checking a control’s InvokeRequired property.

A Simple Example of Using the BackgroundWorker Class

In this post, I’ll create a simple example of how you might use the BackgroundWorker class to do some work on a background thread and keep your GUI responsive.  We’ll start with a simple example that demonstrates how the GUI can become blocked and then evolve the application to make full use of the capabilities of the BackgroundWorker class.

Here are the basic players. We’ll have a FileReader class/object that reads text from a text file. And a Win Forms form with a button to initiate the file read operation and some GUI elements to display the status/results of the read operation.

Note: All code samples presented here can be found in CodePlex, at threadsafepubsub.codeplex.com

Iteration #1 – The Simplest Possible Solution

Let’s say that we just want to read a text file and return/display the number of lines found in the file. We can just make a call to our FileReader object, which returns the number of lines, and then display that number in our UI. Super simple.

This iteration is implemented in the files Form1.cs and FileReader1.cs.

Here’s what the GUI looks like.  If you click on the Read File button, you get a File Open dialog where you can select a file to read.  The file is read in and then we write out the # lines read, below the button.


So far, so good.  This is how most simple user interfaces are written–you click on a button, which launches a Click callback, which does some work, and then returns to the caller.

Here’s what the FileReader1 class looks like, with a simple ReadTheFile method:

using System;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ThreadSafePubSubUI
    public class FileReader1
        // Read specified text file & return # lines
        public int ReadTheFile(string fileName)
            int numLines = 0;

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
                string nextLine;
                while ((nextLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

            return numLines;

And here’s the click event handler for the form: the guy that invokes ReadTheFile.

        private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.CheckFileExists = true;
            ofd.CheckPathExists = true;

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                FileReader1 fr = new FileReader1();
                int numLines = fr.ReadTheFile(ofd.FileName);

                lblResults.Text = string.Format("We read {0} lines", numLines.ToString());

But what if the function that does the work takes a longer amount of time?  It’s pretty common for some action initiated by the user to take a little time.  What happens to the GUI while they are waiting?  We can simulate this by just adding a Thread.Sleep call in the ReadTheFile method.

            Thread.Sleep(3000);     // Simulate lengthy operation

Let’s also add a line in the btnSelect_Click method, to write a “busy” message to the GUI while we are processing.  Here is the updated click event handler:

        private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.CheckFileExists = true;
            ofd.CheckPathExists = true;

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                lblResults.Text = " ... reading the file ...";
                FileReader1 fr = new FileReader1();
                int numLines = fr.ReadTheFile(ofd.FileName);

                lblResults.Text = string.Format("We read {0} lines", numLines.ToString());

What happens is not good.  Two bad things happen, from a user’s point of view:

  • The user interface is completely unresponsive during the file read operation
  • Our “reading the file” message is not displayed

What happened?  Well, because everything is on one thread, our user interface thread doesn’t respond to mouse clicks until ReadTheFile finishes.  Worse, even though we set the label’s Text property before we call ReadTheFile, the message loop doesn’t get a chance to process that change, and update the text, before we go out to lunch in ReadTheFile.

What we need to do to fix this is: do the file read operation on a different thread

The easiest way to do some work on a background thread, keeping the GUI responsive, is to use the BackgroundWorker class.

Iteration #2 – Using the BackgroundWorker Class

You should be doing very little actual work in GUI control event handlers like the Button.Click method.  It’s a good idea to:

  • Move code that does actual work outside of the user interface class
  • Do all work on a background thread.

We want to move code into a separate library or class, rather than having it in our Click event handler, to keep our user interface code separate from our functional code.  This is just a cleaner architecture and makes our code more maintainable, easier to test, and more extensible.

We also want to do as much work as possible on a different thread from the main thread handling the GUI.  If you do your work on the same thread, you risk locking up the user interface.  (As we saw in Iteration #1).

If you’re using the .NET Framework version 2.0 or later, the best way to do work on a background thread is to use the BackgroundWorker class.  This class gives us the ability to do some work on a background thread, provides progress and completed events “out of the box” and also ensures that these callbacks execute on the correct (GUI thread).

What do I mean by “execute on the correct thread”?  Here’s how it works.  To ensure that the GUI stays responsive, we want to do any non-trivial work on a background thread.  This thread can run in parallel to the GUI thread, so the user will still be able to interact with the GUI while the work is being done.

When the work finishes, we likely want to update something in the GUI to indicate this.  (E.g. change the text on a label to indicate that the operation is done).  Our GUI object will be notified by handling an event that the worker object fires.  But since we need to update the GUI, this event handler must be executing on the same thread as the user interface.

This last point is very important.  The core rule in Windows UI programming to remember is: the only thread that can update/change a user interface control is the thread that created it.  (This is true for Windows Forms applications, which use the Single Threaded Apartment model).

The beauty of the BackgroundWorker class is that it automatically handles all of this thread logic:

  • It does work on a background thread
  • It ensures that completed/progress events are fired on the original GUI thread

Let’s change our earlier file-reading example to use the BackgroundWorker.  This example can be found in the threadsafepubsub.codeplex.com project in the Form2/FileWorker2 classes.

Here’s the new Click event handler, where we create the background worker, attach our event handlers, and then tell it to go do some work.

private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.CheckFileExists = true;
            ofd.CheckPathExists = true;

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                lblResults.Text = " ... reading the file ...";

                // Set up background worker object & hook up handlers
                BackgroundWorker bgWorker;
                bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
                bgWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bgWorker_DoWork);
                bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bgWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);

                // Launch background thread to do the work of reading the file.  This will
                // trigger BackgroundWorker.DoWork().  Note that we pass the filename to
                // process as a parameter.

We first create an instance of the BackgroundWorker class and then wire up the DoWork and RunWorkerCompleted methods.  DoWork is the event that will fire when we call the RunWorkerAsync method.  And it will run asynchronously, in a background thread, freeing up the user interface.  Because RunWorkerAsync is launched in a background thread, control returns from the btnSelect_Click method quickly, and the UI is responsive, even while the file-read work is going on.

We also hook a handler to the RunWorkerCompleted event, which will fire when our bgWorker_DoWork method has finished doing the work.  This event, however, will execute on the original GUI thread–allowing is to update GUI elements directly within our gbWorker_RunWorkerCompleted handler.

Here’s the body of our DoWork handler.

        void bgWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            FileReader2 fr = new FileReader2();

            // Filename to process was passed to RunWorkerAsync(), so it's available
            // here in DoWorkEventArgs object.
            string sFileToRead = (string)e.Argument;
            e.Result = fr.ReadTheFile(sFileToRead);

Notice that we just use our earlier FileReader class to do the actual work of reading the file.  But there are two additions.

First, because this method is invoked from the BackgroundWorker object, we need to somehow get the name of the file to process.  We knew this filename back in the btnSelect_Click method and we hand it off by passing it as a parameter to RunWorkerAsync and then reading it out of the DoWorkEventArgs parameter.

Similarly, when we finish doing our work (reading the file), we need to make sure the result (# lines read) gets passed back to our RunWorkerCompleted handler.  We do this by setting the Result properly of the DoWorkEventArgs parameter.

Here’s the code for our RunWorkerCompleted event handler:

        void bgWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error != null)
                int numLines = (int)e.Result;
                lblResults.Text = string.Format("We read {0} lines", numLines.ToString());

Here we see the other side of the e.Result handoff–we read the FileReader.ReadTheFile return value out of the RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs parameter.  We also check this parameter to see if an error occurred.

If you now run this example, you’ll see a couple of important things that work better than they did in iteration #1:

  • We now correctly see the “reading the file” label, indicating that work is in progress
  • While the file is being read, we can interact with the GUI normally

You can demonstrate the second part of this by clicking on the “Tell Me a Joke” button.  You’ll get a message box with a clever joke and you can then dismiss the dialog–all while the file read operation is still going on.

Iteration #3 – Application State and Cancel Logic

You might be tempted at this point to think that we’re done and our application has everything that it needs.  But we’re missing a few critical things.  Any time that you do work in a background worker thread, you should also consider:

  • Busy indicator — making it easy for the user to know when work is being done in the background
  • Application state — what can/can’t the user do while the work is in progress?
  • Progress indicator — give the user a visual sense of how much work is left to be done
  • Cancel logic — optionally, give the user a method to cancel the background work

Busy Indicator

Let’s start with the busy indicator.  It’s important to make it obvious to your users that something is happening in the background, and what that something is.

Application State

We have some subtle behavior in our current implementation that is probably not desirable.  Try the following:

  • Click on the Read File button and select a file, to initiate a file read operation
  • Before the read has completed, click on the button again and select a new file

You now have two file read operations running in parallel.  Is this really what we want?  Do we want to prohibit it?  If not, how do we handle the results of two different file read operations, when the operations complete?  How do we avoid mixing up the results?  How do we know which operation the results are coming from?  Is there a chance that the two operations will attempt to work on/with the same data?

For our purposes, let’s agree that we really only want to allow the user to do one operation at a time.  While one operation is in progress, a user cannot initiate another one.  We’ll modify the GUI to enforce this.

Progress Indicator

More than just indicating that some work is going on in the background, it would be nice to indicate how much work we’ve already done and how much work is left to do.  This lets a user judge how long the entire process will take.

Cancel Logic

Whenever you support doing some work on a background thread, you also need to consider whether a user might want to cancel this background activity.  Unless it’s something that happens quite quickly, it’s probably a good idea to allow a user to cancel the operation and return to the original state (no file is being read and they are able to select a new file to be read).

At this point, it’s probably a good idea to do a rough sketch of a state diagram, showing what a user can do and during what state:

Application State Diagram

Notice that we enter the “reading file” state when the user clicks the “Read File” button.  But while in this state, the user cannot press that button again–they either press the “Cancel” button, or we return to the original state when the file read operation completes.

Also note that we should be able to display a joke while in either state.  This confirms what we said earlier–the GUI won’t lock up during the file read operation.

Our Modified Example

Here’s how our file reader example works, after adding a progress indicator, cancel logic, and the ability to keep track of application state.  Here’s the new GUI during a file read operation:


Note that we now tell the user what file we’re reading and we display a progress indicator, showing how far into the read operation we are.  We also give them a Cancel button, allowing them to Cancel the operation before it completes normally.  Also notice that the Read File button is greyed out—the user can’t initiate another operation until the first one completes.

If the user lets the file read operation complete normally, they’ll see the following:


Notice that when we finish reading the file, returning to the Idle state, we hide all of the progress/cancel widgets.  The Read File button is also enabled again.

If the user cancels the file read operation, they’ll see the following:


Again, all of the progress/cancel widgets are gone, since we’re back in the Idle state.  And the Read File button is available again.  But this time, we tell the user that they cancelled the operation.

The code for this iteration can be found in threadsafepubsub.codeplex.com, as Form3.cs and FileReader3.cs.

We added a couple of things at the top of the class–an enumeration to keep track of our state, and a class-level BackgroundWorker instance.  (We move this variable into class scope because our Cancel button will need access to the BackgroundWorker object.

    private enum AppStates { Idle, ReadingFile };

    private BackgroundWorker _worker;

Here’s our new Form3 constructor, where we now call a method to set the initial application state:

        public Form3()

            // Set up initial state
            SetAppState(AppStates.Idle, null);

Here’s the actual code for the new SetAppState function, as well as a helper function that sets visibility for several controls.

        // Set new application state, handling button sensitivity, labels, etc.
        private void SetAppState(AppStates newState, string filename)
            switch (newState)
                case AppStates.Idle:
                    // Hide progress widgets
                    btnSelect.Enabled = true;

                case AppStates.ReadingFile:
                    // Display progress widgets & file info
                    lblProgress.Text = string.Format("Reading file: {0}", filename);
                    pbProgress.Value = 0;
                    lblResults.Text = "";
                    btnSelect.Enabled = false;

        private void SetFileReadWidgetsVisible(bool visible)
            lblProgress.Visible = visible;
            pbProgress.Visible = visible;
            btnCancel.Visible = visible;

We’re basically just changing the visibility of the various progress widgets in the StatusStrip at the bottom of the form.  We also handle enabling/disabling the File Read button here.

The Click event handler for our File Read button is also slightly different. We add a line that sets the application state to indicate that a file is being read, we attach a handler to track progress, and we add an exception handler to ensure that the application state is set back to idle if anything goes wrong.

        private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.CheckFileExists = true;
            ofd.CheckPathExists = true;

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(ofd.FileName);
                SetAppState(AppStates.ReadingFile, fi.Name);

                    // Set up background worker object & hook up handlers
                    _worker = new BackgroundWorker();
                    _worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bgWorker_DoWork);
                    _worker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bgWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);
                    _worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
                    _worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
                    _worker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(bgWorker_ProgressChanged);

                    // Launch background thread to do the work of reading the file.  This will
                    // trigger BackgroundWorker.DoWork().  Note that we pass the filename to
                    // process as a parameter.
                    SetAppState(AppStates.Idle, null);

Note also that we have to explicitly tell the BackgroundWorker that it should support both progress and cancellation functionality.

We also now have a new event handler for the ProgressChanged event, which looks like this:

        // Get info on progress of file-read operation (% complete)
        void bgWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            // Just update progress bar with % complete
            pbProgress.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;

This one is pretty simple—we just set the value of the progress bar, which runs from 0 to 100, to the reported % complete value.

Our DoWork handler has just a few changes.  Here is the new version:

        // Do work--runs on a background thread
        void bgWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Note about exceptions:  If an exception originates anywhere in
            // this method, or methods that it calls, the BackgroundWorker will
            // automatically populate the Error property of the RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs
            // parameter that gets passed into the RunWorkerCompleted event handler.
            // So we can handle the exception in that method.

            FileReader3 fr = new FileReader3();

            // Filename to process was passed to RunWorkerAsync(), so it's available
            // here in DoWorkEventArgs object.
            BackgroundWorker bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            string sFileToRead = (string)e.Argument;

            e.Result = fr.ReadTheFile(bw, sFileToRead);

            // If operation was cancelled (triggered by CancellationPending),
            // we bailed out of ReadTheFile() early.  But still need to set
            // Cancel flag, because RunWorkerCompleted event will still fire.
            if (bw.CancellationPending)
                e.Cancel = true;

I added a note to remind us that exceptions originating in this chunk of code (or on this thread) are automatically made available to us in the RunWorkerCompleted handler.

Notice also that we’re now passing the BackgroundWorker object into the ReadTheFile method.  We do this because we need access to it, within this message, to check for user cancellation and to report progress.

Finally, we see a piece of the cancellation infrastructure here.  Below is another code chunk to help us understand how the cancel operation works—the click handler for the Cancel button.

        private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

This is pretty simple.  When the user clicks the Cancel button, we tell the BackgroundWorker object to initiate a cancel operation.  Here’s a summary of the entire cancel operation (what happens when):

  • User clicks Cancel button
  • btnCancel_Click handler invokes BackgroundWorker.CancelAsync on active worker object
  • Method doing actual work (reading file) periodically checks BackgroundWorker.CancellationPending and aborts if it sees this property set
  • Control returns to bgWorker_DoWork method
  • DoWork method checks CancellationPending property and sets DoWorkEventArgs.Cancel to true if operation was cancelled
  • BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted fires
  • We can check RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs.Cancelled, in our RunWorkerCompleted handler, to detect whether operation was cancelled

This is a little involved, but if you walk through the code, you’ll see how things work.

Finally, here is our RunWorkerCompleted event handler:

        void bgWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
                if (e.Error != null)
                    MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message, "Error During File Read");
                else if (e.Cancelled)
                    lblResults.Text = "** Cancelled **";
                    int numLines = (int)e.Result;
                    lblResults.Text = string.Format("We read {0} lines", numLines.ToString());
                // State now goes back to idle
                SetAppState(AppStates.Idle, null);

There are just a couple of new things here.  We now check the Cancelled property and display a message if the operation was cancelled.  We also add a finally block, where we ensure that we transition back to the Idle state, whether things completed normally, the user cancelled, or there was an error.

I have one final block of code to share—the ReadTheFile method that does the actual work:

        public int ReadTheFile(BackgroundWorker bw, string fileName)
            int numLines = 0;
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);
            long totalBytes = fi.Length;
            long bytesRead = 0;

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
                // Note: When BackgroundWorker has CancellationPending set, we bail
                // out and fall back to the _DoWork method that called us.
                string nextLine;
                while (((nextLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null) &&
                    bytesRead += sr.CurrentEncoding.GetByteCount(nextLine);
                    int pctComplete = (int)(((double)bytesRead / (double)totalBytes)* 100);
                    Thread.Sleep(10);  // ms

            return numLines;

We’ve basically added two things here: support for cancellation and for progress reporting.

To support user-initiated cancellation, we just check to see if the operation has been cancelled, after each line in the file that we read.  The frequency with which you check for cancellation is important.  If you don’t check often enough, the application will appear to not be responding to the cancel request and the user may become frustrated.

We report progress (% complete) by invoking the ReportProgress method on the background worker.  We do this after calculating the actual progress, in terms of # bytes read so far.

35 thoughts on “.NET Basics – Do Work in Background Thread to Keep GUI Responsive

  1. Thanks a lot. This post is really useful. I started as a novice in threading… but got my application working. Many many thanks.

  2. This is the best UI multithreading tutorial on the web I have found yet. Everyone else’s tutorial is horrible. This one here is the most concise, most descriptive, most easily understandable. I feel like all the other tutorials are just copying off eachother and no one knows how to explain it well. Thanks for writing one that finally explains it well.

    P.S. No one has explained *why* a form control can never be updated from outside the UI thread. Why can that never happen? Is it just a security measure .net has to prevent controls from being manipulated by viruses or other programs?

  3. Thanks Albert. Good question (why). My quick guess is that the underlying Win32 controls are not thread-safe, so we have to appoint a single thread to do all of the updates. But I’d like to dig a little bit deeper to also understand the lower-level aspects of what’s going on. Stay tuned–sounds like a good topics for a future post.

    • p.s.s. also i’m doing something funkier with the _ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) function:

      the ProgressChangedEventArgs e object has a property called e.UserState which is an object.

      I’m using this backgroundworker in an app where I am sending an Image to a ListView for display as it finds the Images on disk. So I am actually passing the Image object to the ProgressChanged handler by passing the Image as a (object) through the e.UserState !

      then my progresschanged handler function casts it back to (Image) and adds it to the ListView.LargeImageList

      and it works! and it works pretty fast too! so just a tip since e.UserState is an (object) you could pass almost anything through it and cast it back at the UI thread’s handler function.

  4. Thanks Sean, I had always been aware of doing things in a background thread being a good practice with windows forms but was daunted by the idea of turning an otherwise simple app multi-threaded. Thanks to your examples I don’t have to be further disgusted by my overuse of application.doevents(). Much appreciated!

  5. I agree with all of the other poster’s comments – this is by far the best threading tutorial dealing with unresponsive UI that google search could bring up. I waded through several links but persistence paid of and found this gem that you have created on the second page full of links!
    I am trying to build a Windows front end that captures sensor data via Ethernet/UDP and display it dynamically in a GUI, and I am confident that the knowledge gained from your article will help me greatly. Thank You!

  6. Thanks Sean for your excellent work!!
    Simply put: when I’ve a button fireing several Methods in row(gathering infos, copying files (some 2 GB, i takes time..), installing, doSomeScripts, another_install etc.) and EVERY single method MUST wait for previous one to be acomplished (there is no point in installing when the files still are not copied!) all what I need to do, is just put then next method (say after copying the next one is installing()) in finally-block of “bgWorker_RunWorkerCompleted” method??

  7. Andreas,
    It is not a good idea to use he finally block for normal code execution. Exceptions are for errors. Also, when an exception is thrown, the performance of the app stinks.

    Great article!

  8. Pingback: » Suplanus

  9. Pingback: Background thread | Bigappletowing

  10. Have you ever tried setting up a TCP/IP client in a Background Worker. It seems that if I spend too long processing data coming in, the thread terminates prematurely.

  11. Hi Sean,
    as I already said, an excellent article!
    Still there is something I don’t quite understand: while reading a “simple” text file it all works fine. But reading a Word-Doc I get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException saying, that the value
    (ReadTheFile class): int pctComplete = (int)(((double)bytesRead / (double)totalBytes)*100); > 101 % is!
    It means, that bytesRead > totalBytes..(and it really is).
    Does the programm count some hidden characters?


    • Hmm, interesting. What is bytesRead at that point, vs. totalBytes? Just 1 byte too many? You could also comment out the pctComplete stuff and let the loop complete (read until ReadLine returns null) to see how many bytes the StreamReader is telling you it read. Is it just a byte or two beyond what FileInfo said was in the file? Or is it much higher? Perhaps there’s a problem in my logic related to assumptions about encoding, i.e. FileInfo vs. StreamReader

      • Hi Sean,
        the difference is much bigger than just a byte: let’s say I’m reading a Word-Doc (Word 2007), I get: totalBytes=30720 and bytesRead=37098…
        Maybe it’s just an academic problem with FileInfo vs. StreamReader, the goal of your tutorial was the function of the BackgroundWorker and after I’ve worked through this, I finally understood.


  12. a nice, clearn article about the subject explaining everything in detail. this is hands down the most educative article on threading I’ve seen to date. Even my primary reference book (Pro c# 2008) lacks clarity on the subject and does not explain it in such layman’s terms as this article does. kudos to the author for keeping it simple.

  13. Excellent post. I had to struggle through other backgroundworker tutorials on the web – why couldn’t I have found this one first!

    I have a question Sean if you don’t mind – once you fire off a backgroudworker, it does its job asynchronously. As a form button was used to kick start this whole process, control returns to the form which is now free from the time-consuming activities and thus does not freeze. And no other form code is executed until a user clicks on another enabled button etc.

    But what if when you click on a button you have a for or while loop, and in this loop you want to call a background worker. But you do NOT want the next loop iteration to execute, until the background worker has completed its first task? Can this be done? i.e. can you somehow pause the next loop iteration while the background worker is doing its thing, but not freeze the main form?

    • Thanks Shane. If I understand you correctly, you want to have the user click on a button and then work through a loop, doing some action iteratively. And you want the GUI to not block, but become immediately responsive after they click the button?

      I would just put the entire for loop in the BackgroundWorker and then, each time through the loop, do the work you’re doing synchronously, rather than firing up a BackgroundWorker for each iteration. You’d only do this if you wanted them to run in parallel.

      Even better, you should probably look into using async/await keywords, available in .NET 4.5. (Or .NET 4.0, using Async Targeting Pack). They simplify the pattern for doing asynchronous work on background threads, even a bit more than the BackgroundWorker.

      • Thanks for the quick response Sean and yes you understand me correctly, except to add that a form button does not directly create the loop. A button does start the process, but the loop starts within an object of another class, that I instantiate from my main form. This object is my work-engine type object…it does a whole load of checking, before looping through a list of ‘items’.
        I’ll come clean; the ‘items’ are software applications that I want to install sequentially. Some are Windows Installer\MSI based, and for this I use a windows installer API DLL that seems to work asynchronously, raising events which are handled in my main form (not my code btw) to update progress bars etc. The remainder are exe based setup routines.
        These exe based routines need their own async process…so, I did previously think about placing the entire loop into its own background worker, as you said, but I’d decided that it would be complicated as I’ll now be calling MSI’s which already run asynchronously, from another asynchronous thread – queue lots of head scratching wondering how the communication back to my main form is done – but perhaps this is not as complicated as I think?
        Currently, to get around my issue, I’m resorting to using Process.Start for all non-MSI applications, running theses with a reduced GUI of their own (if they support this natively) and hiding my main form so that a user can’t click on it and discover it’s frozen\busy – not pretty but gets me there.
        .Net 4.0 is not allowed in our current environment unfortunately.

        I need to do some more reading I think. TBH, I’ve only started coding in the last year so there’s a lot I need to learn.
        Once again, thanks for the response.

  14. Wonderful, thanks! I’ve been looking all day for a realistic example in which the “heavy” work is performed in another class. With a few small changes I’ll have this implemented in no time.

  15. Great article….thanks a lot.
    While looking into this question poppped up is : what to do if even reading a huge file also I want to processed with multiple thread ?
    and having a synchronization between them ?

  16. Sean, Thanks… what a great article. I am trying to learn about and implement background threading into my application. Your article is by far the most informative, but more importantly the easiest to to understand that I have read!

    I would be really grateful if you wouldn’t mind answering a question I have please.

    I know it is possible to pass and return multiple arguments to and from the background worker process.

    Using your excellent code as the example – it currently returns the number of lines into lblResults. I have placed a TextBox1 on the main form and wish to populate it with the actual text from the file.

    I have no problem setting the string variable while reading the text from the file, but am struggling to figure out how pass that variable back to the TextBox1 on the main form.

    I created a new class to hold all the arguments. I can pass them through to the backgroundworker but am struggling to return them….

    Many thanks again!!

  17. Just to say thanks! I’m a C-Sharp/DotNet novice (spent most of my time messing with Python in Linux). I’ve been realizing that C-Sharp/DotNet is like Python in some ways: Whatever you want to do, you’ll usually find a way to do it (although it will be more verbose and uglier in C-Sharp!). However, figuring out the details of how to do it can be a challenge. People like you who take the time and trouble to write up what they’ve learned are a big help!

    • Hey, thanks Tony. I suspect that if I dabbled in Ruby, I’d be wanting somebody to do the same for me on that side, since I’d be struggling.

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